Therapists Have Problems too… “the crazy shrink you might think” Mental health professionals are, in general, a fairly eccentric and deeply conscious lot—
They have probably experienced personal stress, divorce, anxiety, relationship problems, loss, abuse and other life trauma — psychologists, counsellors, social-workers and other mental health professionals may have actually been more screwed up than the rest… however, this is their gift.
In fact, some experts believe that therapists who have suffered in certain traumatic ways may be the very best therapists we have, this is what makes a therapist really good! Most mental health professionals choose to this line of work in order to help others who are less empowered in these situations; the therapist may have gone through it, learned the tools, did the degrees, and came out on the other end to be of service and guidance… with higher levels of empathy, understanding, non-judgement and knowing how to support. This “wounded healer” concept is woven into the fabric of the mental health professions. But this is their gift. They can see and support hundreds of people in need of ‘healing’ in a month. Most people in general can’t even listen to you for just a few minutes…
So why see a therapist? Because these professionals are regulated and vetted, degreed and experienced – they probably know what not to do in life, they have better life tools to share with you, they can support you in navigating your way through each life crisis or trauma to a point of personal & psychological stability and empowerment, because they may have gone through it too. (remember doctors get sick, therapists get anxiety and stress, nurses & doctors smoke and drink etc… this does not mean they are bad at what they do – because they know how to have professional boundaries.)
Reference–Robert Epstein Ph.D., Tim Bower.