Got some lovely new books in the junk shop this weekend! Already got loads of Hygge and Dylan Thomas, but you can never have enough books! 📚

Got some lovely new books in the junk shop this weekend! Already got loads of Hygge and Dylan Thomas, but you can never have enough books! 📚
I was sorting through my pics at lunchtime and came across this beautiful view from my old therapy room window. I haven’t worked from this cosy space in over a year now. For a moment I was back in that room, thinking about former clients, the passage of time, feeling nostalgic, listening to ‘Days’ by The Kinks, which seemed quite fitting..
I’m sure I’ve previously written a blog about my letterbox boxes, and thought I would share a photograph of some I made earlier! I work freelance facilitating corporate workshops and was asked to come up with some wellbeing boxes to be sent to delegates after the events. The aim is to have something (other than a handout)! as a small reminder of the key points to take away. All lovingly hand crafted on my kitchen table, they were so much fun to put together! I do currently have a few spare boxes so if you would like a lockdown letterbox gift delivered to a loved one anywhere in the UK please message me via my business page. The cost is £12 inclusive of postage & packaging and contents may vary. Happy to pop a hand written note inside. Off to the post office now..
Nicola xx
(Photography credit Max Pruce, 2021)
How would it feel to enter a completely safe, supportive, confidential space with a trusted other?
An experienced professional to sit alongside you, to hold space for you?
How empowering might it be to be free to tell your story, to speak your truth at your own pace?
To have your story heard, witnessed, understood?
To process all that you need to alongside another, to gently explore meaning?
To be fully accepted with deep and accurate empathy?
How would it feel for the weight of your story to become a little lighter?
I’m really looking forward to welcoming clients back to face to face work (as soon as it is safe to do so). I am keeping a close eye on the situation and liaising with my professional body and insurance providers.
I’m soon going to be unveiling some changes I’ve made to my therapeutic space. I’ve made the most of the extra time and the opportunity of not having clients in to make some changes. Just need to add the finishing touches and I shall post some before and after pics. I hope it will feel welcoming and safe. Here’s a little sneak preview just of the new and improved hallway..
More lovely feedback from a client I so enjoy working with..
‘I find this type of therapy so useful; it really helps for it to be person centered [sic]…you really are so good and I have made so much progress with you and I know you genuinely care’.
My little makeshift office. Slightly different working day, no clients, instead myself and a colleague have been conducting interviews via zoom.
As a private therapist in lockdown, I have really been pushed outside of my comfort zone (in a good way)! in finding alternative ways of working that do not involve face to face client contact. The challenge has been in continuing to offer an ethical service, for example, by checking the privacy policies of various platforms, which can be a bit of a minefield.
I now offer counselling via any platform and being person centred, it’s the individual client’s choice. Clients in lockdown with other members of their household have found privacy to be an issue. I have managed to overcome this by providing a counselling service by text. Although a little apprehensive at first, we trialled it and based on how I feel and client feedback,it’s working extremely well.
The written word is very powerful, an act of reflection, the thought that was once in your head is now ‘out there’,a first level of distance is achieved between ‘I’ and the issue. The difficult feeling is captured, in black and white, allowing it to be processed.
Typing out your feelings slows down the thought process enough for your own personal insights to begin to emerge. (Notice that you can speak much faster than you can type)! Add in any insights that the therapist has and that makes for a powerful catalyst to change.
As a therapist in private practice, I’m no longer restricted to only working with clients within a reasonable geographical distance, my current clients are based all over the country. It works both ways, I have secured the services of an outstanding therapist myself (yes, therapists need therapy too and it’s encouraged as part of our self care due to the demands of the job).
I am surprised at how quickly I am able to build up a relationship with the client via text, I respond intuitively, it just works somehow.